Baby Yoda

Baby Yoda


Mr 6

inc around (12)

sc, inc around (18)

sc 2, inc around (24)

sc 3, inc around (30)

sc around (30)

sc around (30)

sc 3, dec around (24)

sc 2, dec around (18)

sc, dec around (12)

dec around (6)


I used 12mm safety eyes. I inserted them I think between the 5th and 6th rows


Mr 6

inc around (12)

sc, inc around (18)

sc around (18)

sc around (18)

sc around (18)

sc, dec around (12)


Ears (make 2)

Mr 4

sc, inc around (6)

sc, inc around (9)

sc 2, inc around (12)

sc 3, inc around (15)

sc 7, inc, sc 6, inc (17)

sc 16, inc (18)

sc 17, inc (19)


Arms (make 2)

Mr 4

sc around (4)

sc around (4)


Feet (make 2)

Mr 4

sc around (4)

sc 1, leaving round incomplete (1)



With Brown

Ch 26, ch 1 (27)

sc 26, ch 1 (27) X 4

sc 5, ch 3, sc 1 into 4th stitch, sc 9, ch 3, sc 1 into 4th stitch, sc 4, ch 1 (27)

sc 26 (26)


With Tan

sl st 26 (through back loops only), ch 1 (27)

sc 26 (through front loops of sl st only), ch 1 (27)

sc 26, ch 1 (27)



With Brown

Ch 9

sc 1 to link ends together, sc 7 (8)

sc 8 (8)

Invisible join, skipping over a stitch, so you have 9 stitches in the end

With Tan

sl st 9 in back loops only (9)

Invisible join into the next stitch, so you have 10 stitches in the end


Sew body together.

Sew sleeves onto holes made in cloak. The color change in the cloak should have left one clean side and one messy side. Make sure the sleeves are sticking out of the messy side.

Turn the brim of the cloak downward.

Put the cloak on yoda. It will be difficult to get the arms through the sleeves. I inserted a crochet hook through the sleeve and hooked onto the arm.

The cloak will stay in place once it is on, so no need to sew up the front.